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Our Schools


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Week of the Young Child

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Pre-K Round Up

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100 Days of School

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Martin House installation

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Nature Club studies about Scat!

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100 Days of School

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Nature Club Learns about Owls

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Holiday Sing-A-Long

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Nature Club Makes Birdfeeders

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Nature Club learns about Bats!

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Campout at Ray Roberts State Park

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Team Work: Wear your favorite Team Shirt

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Mental Health Awareness by Wearing Red!

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Celebrate Mental Health Day by Wearing Green!

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WHP Field Day

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Fort Worth Opera/Red Oak Foundation

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Academy 4 Volunteers

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Nature Club: Birding

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Fort Worth Nature Center

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Buffalo Soldiers

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Stems Camp at WHP

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Book Fair Fun

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WHP Family Nature Club: Tame vs. Wild

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Grandparent Day

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Valentine's Day Dance

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Western Day

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Hula Hoop Thank You!

The PE department just received beautiful Hula Hoops. This is great shout out for the new equipment. 

Sensory Motor Lab

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Visiting Author: Woody Kuan

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Lunch Day Hero

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